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Thursday, September 11, 2014
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

First Unitarian Universalist Church
1187 Franklin St.
San Francisco, CA

Hear from Supervisors David Campos and David Chiu on their plans for long-term care, housing and health care for seniors & people with disabilities, and learn about San Francisco’s Long Term Care Integration Plan.

NOTE: The Candidates Forum will take the place of SDA’s September General Meeting, and will happen in the afternoon, instead of morning.

Co-Sponsored by the Long Term Care Coordinating Council, Senior & Disability Action, and California Alliance for Retired Americans.

This event will be translated into Spanish and Chinese.The location is wheelchair-accessible and has a hearing loop. For other accommodations, please call (415) 546-1333, by Thursday, September 4th.

Please do not wear fragrances (perfume, cologne, etc.) to the Candidates Forum, in order to keep the event accessible to people with all disabilities.

RSVP is not required, but helpful!
Please let us know if you would like to attend.

For more information, or to RSVP:
Call: (415) 546-1333