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Friday, March 14, 2014
10:00 am - 11:00 am

Room 416 (Hearing Room 4), City Hall
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA

SFMTA is proposing to construct two wheelchair accessible platforms to serve the N Judah on Judah at 28th Ave at the location of the current boarding islands. The new platforms will improve access to rail service for people with disabilities by filling a large gap between accessible platforms. Additional improvements will include the construction of longer boarding islands and compliant curb ramps. The extended low-level boarding islands will cover the full length of a two-car train, allowing customers to get on and off trains from a platform rather than a traffic lane. The low-level islands will be 6” high, but will be lowered to 2” where there are driveways to facilitate turning movements.

In order to accommodate the accessible ramps and platforms, the existing no-parking zones along the existing island stops will need to be extended. Four on-street parking spaces will need to be eliminated at each stop location, for a total of eight spaces between 27th and 29th Avenues. To offset the elimination of parking, one parking space on 26th Avenue and one parking space on 31st Avenue would be added by converting the existing parallel parking to 45-degree angled parking near Judah Street.

For more information please contact Liliana Ventura at 701-4423 or

The  Sustainable  Streets  Division  of  the   San   Francisco   Municipal   Transportation   Agency   will hold  a  public  hearing  on  Friday,  March  14,   2014,   at 10:00   AM,   in   Room   416   (Hearing Room 4), City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102.

City Hall is wheelchair accessible. To request real time captioning, a sign language interpreter or other accommodations, please contact Accessible Services at 701-4485 or Providing at least 72 hours advance notice will help to ensure availability.

The following proposals will be consider during this public hearing:

SFMTA is proposing to construct two wheelchair accessible platforms to serve the N Judah on Judah at 28th Ave at the location of the current boarding islands. The new platforms will improve access to rail service for people with disabilities by filling a large gap between accessible platforms. Additional improvements will include the construction of longer boarding islands and compliant curb ramps. The extended low-level boarding islands will cover the full length of a two-car train, allowing customers to get on and off trains from a platform rather than a traffic lane. The low-level islands will be 6” high, but will be lowered to 2” where there are driveways to facilitate turning movements.

In order to accommodate the accessible ramps and platforms, the existing no-parking zones along the existing island stops will need to be extended. Four on-street parking spaces will need to be eliminated at each stop location, for a total of eight spaces between 27th and 29th Avenues. To offset the elimination of parking, one parking space on 26th Avenue and one parking space on 31st Avenue would be added by converting the existing parallel parking to 45-degree angled parking near Judah Street.

For more information please contact Liliana Ventura at 701-4423 or

The Sustainable Streets Division of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency will hold a public hearing on Friday, March 14, 2014, at 10:00 AM, in Room 416 (Hearing Room 4), City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102.

City Hall is wheelchair accessible. To request real time captioning, a sign language interpreter or other accommodations, please contact Accessible Services at 701-4485 or Providing at least 72 hours advance notice will help to ensure availability.

The following proposals will be consider during this public hearing:

Judah Street between 27th and 29th avenues – Tow-Away, No Stopping Anytime (Transit boarding island extensions with high-level accessible platforms)

Judah Street, north side, between 27th Avenue and 28th Avenue (removes 4 parking spaces) Judah Street, south side, between 28th Avenue and 29th Avenue (removes 4 parking spaces)

26th Avenue north of Judah Street – Angled Parking 31st Avenue south of Judah Street – Angled Parking

26th Avenue, east side, from Judah Street to 79 feet northerly (replace 4 parallel parking spaces with 5 angled parking spaces)
31st Avenue, west side, from Judah to 73 feet southerly (replace 4 parallel parking spaces with 5 angled parking spaces)



Judah Street, north side, between 27th Avenue and 28th Avenue (removes 4 parking spaces) Judah Street, south side, between 28th Avenue and 29th Avenue (removes 4 parking spaces)

26th Avenue north of Judah Street – Angled Parking 31st Avenue south of Judah Street – Angled Parking


26th Avenue, east side, from Judah Street to 79 feet northerly (replace 4 parallel parking spaces with 5 angled parking spaces)

31st Avenue, west side, from Judah to 73 feet southerly (replace 4 parallel parking spaces with 5 angled parking spaces)