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Tuesday, November 18, 2014
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Hotel Whitcomb- Ghiradelli Room
1231 Market St
San Francisco, California

Please join SFMTA at their second community meeting for the Safer Market Street project. The meeting will be held in the Ghiradelli Room of the Hotel Whitcomb. Staff will be on hand to explain the impacts of this project, which include turn restrictions onto Market Street and extended transit-only (red paint) lanes. As part of the Vizion Zero policy, the changes proposed by this project will improve the safety of traveling on Market Street. The focus area is  a five-block expanse between 3rd Street and 8th Street/Hyde Street, where an overwhelming number of traffic-related accidents occur.
To request accessibility accommodations, please contact Kelley McCoy at or 415.701.5428. Providing at least 72 hours advanced notice will help us ensure availability.
This meeting is an open-house format. There will not be a presentation.