Monday, October 27, 2014
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Osher Room at Ed Roberts Campus
3075 Adeline Street,
Berkeley, California
Have you heard recent stories about police violence towards people with disabilities?
Do you want to learn safety tips while riding public transportation?
The Center for Independent Living will host a workshop on:
- Safety tips on public transportation
- Safety tips in BART police interactions
- How to file a complaint with the Office of the Independent Police Auditor (OIPA)
OIPA will be present and has also invited their BART police colleagues. Workshop participants will have an opportunity to advocate to BART police about how to best serve people with disabilities.
All CIL events are conducted in wheelchair-accessible locations.
Please do not wear scented products to this event. If you need accommodations such as Sign Language interpretation, assistive listening devices, printed matter in alternative format, please call 510-841-4776 or 510-356-2662 video phone). We will try to accommodate all requests but need at least 3 business days’ notice.