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Wednesday, July 27, 2016
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Golden Gate Regional Center:
1355 Market St Suite 220
San Francisco , California

Join researchers  to reimagine what inclusive housing can be!  Two evening focus groups will take place on July 27th in San Francisco (Golden Gate Regional Center: 1355 Market St Suite 220) and July 28th in Oakland (State Council on Developmental Disabilities: 1515 Clay Street Suite 300).

These focus group will allow participants of all abilities to explore questions including: What makes a good home or housing community? What amenities or services should be linked to housing?  If you could design the perfect residential community what would it look like?  Your insights, shared in both individual and group exercises, will help shape a new housing community. Refreshments will be served!  Register here by July 21st.

Questions? Contact  FAQs listed below!


Who can participate? Anyone age 18 and above!

What if I need support staff or other assistance participating? Bring them or whatever you need.  On the RSVP form there is space to list any accommodations or supports you’d like us to help provide.

I answered “no” to all the questions about being a person with a disability, being a family member, and working for an organization related to disabilities, can I still participate? Yes!  Definitely! Insights from people of all abilities and of varying personal connection to disability are all valuable.

Can I participate in both?   For the best focus group results, we need you to only participate in one.

Can I invite other people?  Sure!  Spread the word! But make sure they register themselves.  People will not be able to enter the building unless they are registered.  

How long will the session last?  The group is scheduled for  two hours but formal activities should wrap up around 7:30!