ILRCSF - support, information, advocacy
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Friday, April 11, 2014
5:00 pm

The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency’s (SFMTA) Accessible Services Team is working on a strategic plan to guide our work in the next six years (2014-2020).  Our mission is to shape San Francisco’s transportation system to work for all. We cultivate San Francisco’s accessible transportation network by engaging with the community to inform and develop projects, programs, and policies.

We are fortunate to regularly come in contact with the population that we serve and have a sense of the primary issues impacting the travel options and experiences of seniors and people with disabilities.  However, before we move into the phase of our strategic plan where our team comes together to make a strategy for addressing the top issues affecting our customers, we decided to put together a survey to make sure that all key issues are on our radar.

If you are a senior, a person with a disability, or you work with this population, we would like to hear from you on what are the most pressing issues affecting the travel options and experiences of this population.  This is not your last chance to weigh in on the SFMTA Accessible Services’ Strategic Plan (2014 – 2020).  Once we analyze survey responses, we will work as a team to create a draft strategy to respond to key issues faced by seniors and people with disabilities in their daily travel.  We will then bring this draft strategy to key groups serving seniors and people with disabilities to make sure that our strategy resonates and addresses key issues faced by the community.

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. Many members of the community are active in several groups, so if you receive this survey twice, please fill it out only once.

The deadline to fill out this survey is Friday, April 11. The link to the survey is: