ILRCSF - support, information, advocacy
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Thursday, November 15, 2012
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Office of SPUR 654 Mission Street, near 3rd St.
654 Mission Street
an Francisco, CA

The San Francisco Bicycle Coalition, the Independent Living Resource Center of San Francisco, Walk San Francisco and the Mayor’s Office on Disability, invite you to participate in a productive discussion about establishing priorities and finding common ground between the disability, pedestrian and bicycle advocacy communities.

We are proud to host Dr. Lisa Iezzoni, author of More than Ramps and a distinguished researcher from Harvard University who has personal experience with disability, to help us start a discussion among San Francisco advocates to achieve greater access and safety for people with disabilities, bicyclists, and pedestrians. The event will feature a combination of panel and small group discussions, representing a variety of perspectives.

Please join us for either of the following workshops (the format for each is the same):

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Afternoon Session: 2pm-3:30pm
Evening Session: 6pm-7:30pm

Location: Office of SPUR, 654 Mission Street, near 3rd St.
Please RSVP by November 12 at
or via email at

For questions, call MOD at 415-554-6789
Light refreshments will be available.
Accessible Meeting Information
SPUR’s office is wheelchair accessible. Real-time captioning and ASL interpreters will be provided upon request. Meeting materials are available in large print, and additional alternative formats can be provided upon request. Please make your requests for alternative format or additional accommodations to Joanna Fraguli, 554-6789 (V), 554-6799 (TTY), or email Requesting accommodations at least 72 hours prior to the meeting will help to ensure availability.

In order to assist us in accommodating persons with severe allergies, environmental illness, multiple chemical sensitivity or related disabilities, please refrain from wearing scented products to this event. This includes perfume, scented lotions, detergents, or hairsprays, etc. Thank you for helping us to provide meetings that are fully accessible to all people with disabilities.