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Thursday, January 21, 2016
4:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Independent Living Resource Center San Francisco
825 Howard Street
San Francisco, California

This workshop will discuss:

* How to properly charge + store your wheelchair batteries

* Where to buy longer lasting wheelchair batteries at  good prices

* How to upgrade your wheelchair  batteries

* Detail on brands, makes, and models of batteries

* Hands-on Battery Testing demo

* Questions + suggestions from  you!


Zach Reed is a mobility chair user with over 12 years of electrical hardware experience.  He has been upgrading and repairing mobility scooters for over 4 years and assisted with battery tech for the local #Occupy movement.

Liz Henry is a mobility scooter user, and active member of the Double Union and Noisebridge hacker spaces.

To RSVP or find out more: call ILRC at 415-543-6222 and ask for  Erin, or email

This event will be held in a ground floor, wheelchair accessible space. If you need additional disability accomodations, advanced notice is greatly appreciated.