ILRCSF - support, information, advocacy
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Thursday, January 23, 2014
11:00 am - 4:00 pm

649 Mission Street 3rd floor
San Francisco, California

The Independent Living Resource Center San Francisco will be hosting an open house event for our Assistive Technology Device Lending Library on Thursday, January 23, from 11am – 4pm. We will be having several different types of AT equipment and devices on display, and there will be presentations of the various devices throughout the day.

It is fitting that we are holding this Open House on January 23, which is Ed Roberts Day. Known as the Father of the Independent Living Movement, Ed used Assistive Technology on a daily basis. California has 14 Device Lending Libraries with all sorts of interesting and useful gadgets, software, devices and tools. Bring a friend or colleague and come checkout the Assistive Technology available to you and your community through this lending program.

Please note that ILRCSF is a scent-free environment, and ask that you refrain from wearing scented products when visiting our office. For more information, contact:

Derek Zarda     (415) 543-6222 ext. 103         415.543.6698 (TTD)  

A woman at an accessible computer.
  Dela uses Assistive Technology to get her work done.

A person using an IPod.
Dela’s friend, who is blind, uses an IPod with Voiceover, Apple’s built-in screenreader.