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Thursday, August 06, 2015
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Independent Living Resource Center San Francisco
825 Howard Street
San Francisco, California

Join us for Disability Survival School with the Independent Living Resource Center San Francisco. Learn more about community resources, disability rights and advocacy!!

Thursdays August 6, 13, 20, 27

Over the course of four weeks we will cover information about employment rights, housing, transportation, healthcare, and many other important issues and community resources especially for people with disabilities.
Classes are free of cost, and healthy snacks will be served. The site is wheelchair accessible. To request accommodations such as assistive listening devices, translation into another language or materials in large print please contact Sarah Jarmon or Fiona Hinze at least 72 hours before the class to help to ensure availability.

To register, please contact Sarah Jarmon at 415. 546.1333 x 302 or Fiona at 415.543.6222

Please refrain from wearing scented products when visiting ILRC.

Senior and Disability Survival School is a program of Senior and Disability Action.


Senior and Disability Survival School is a program of Senior and Disability Action. Our work is to bring useful & accessible information to seniors and people with disabilities throughout San Francisco. Participants learn about effectively accessing healthcare, housing, and transportation services and benefits, and about exercising their rights when they do. If you would like more information about Senior and Disability Survival School, please call Sarah at 415 546. 1333 x 302. SDA is a union shop!