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Thursday, January 26, 2017
11:00 am - 3:00 pm

County of Alameda Training and Education Center
125 12th Street, Suite 400
Oakland, California

Meet with Bay Area’s TOP 25+ Employers Hundreds of Jobs and Careers! Admission is FREE!

Current & Past Employers Include:
Turner Construction,The County of Sonoma, US Customs
and Border Protection, AC Transit, NBC Bay Area
& Telemundo48, West Valley- Mission Community
College Event Management Productions, Milpitas United
School District, IHeartMediaRadio, City Vallejo, Chariot, Just
Energy, Alameda County. HDR Engineering, NBC Bay Area,
California Water Service Group, State of California Board of Equalization, City of Sonoma, VF Outdoor, San Jose
PD, Legal Shield, Social City, Multnomah County Health Department, San Francisco PD, City of Vallejo, AC
Transit, US Air Force, iHeart Media, Delta Dental of California, Army National Guard & MANY MORE!

FastTrack: Don’t wait in line!
Send your resume to
with BAY AREA in the subject line.
Open to the public. Business attire and resumes required. Ages 18+ Only.
Please share with your Network & Friends.