ILRCSF - support, information, advocacy
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Thursday, November 08, 2012
9:30 am - 11:00 am

649 Mission Street, 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA

Every Thursday at 9:30 am, we will hold a “drop-in” Basic Benefits/Work Incentives Workshop. Topics include applying for Social Security, Medi-Cal or other benefits, as well as work incentive issues,  such as the PASS program, and how Social Security benefits and healthcare are affected by returning to work.

  • Basic Benefits
    provides overview of several work incentive programs, as well as information about benefit programs (upon request)
  • Returning to Work for People Receiving SSDI or a combination of SSDI & SSI
    provides greater detail about work incentives/rules for people receiving SSDI benefits (includes the impact of work on medical and cash benefits)

People who arrive after 10:00am will not be admitted and will need to come to another workshop.


Bookings are closed for this event.