Wednesday, January 08, 2014
8:00 am - 9:00 am
San Francisco Planning Department
1650 Mission Street
San Francisco , CA
Administrative & General Design
Disability Access Subcommittee Meeting
DATE: January 8, 2014 (Wednesday)
TIME: 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
LOCATION: 1650 Mission Street, Room 528 ◄◄◄Note Room Number
These subcommittees meet regularly every second Wednesday of the month at 1650 Mission Street, Room 431, 4th Floor (City Planning Department). If you wish to be placed on a mailing list for agendas, please call (415) 575-6832.
Note: Public comment is welcome and will be heard during each agenda item. Reference documents relating to agenda are available for review at the 1660 Mission Street, 1st floor. For information, please call Kirk Means at (415) 575-6832.
1.0 Call to Order, Roll Call and confirmation of quorum.
Tony Sanchez-Corea, Chair, Arnie Lerner, AIA, CASp, Jerry Cunningham, P.E., Lee Yvonne Phillips, Zachary Nathan, AIA, CASp, Henry Karnilowicz
2.0 Discussion and possible action regarding a proposed ordinance (File #131148) amending the Planning and Building Codes to provide a process for granting legal status to existing dwelling units constructed without the required permits, and establishing a fee for administering the authorization program; amending the Administrative Code to provide that a dwelling unit that was subject to the Rent Ordinance before legalization will remain under the Rent Ordinance, and requiring the property owner to provide relocation assistance to displaced tenants. The possible action would be to make a recommendation to the full Code Advisory Committee for their further action.(20 minutes)
3.0 Discussion and possible action regarding a proposed ordinance amending the San Francisco Health Code Section 3801-3813 to require an enhanced ventilation system for Urban Infill Sensitive Use Development within the Air Pollutant Exposure Zone; amending the San Francisco Building Code section 1203.5 to reflect changes in the Health Code; and making environmental findings. The possible action would be to make a recommendation to the full Code Advisory Committee for their further action. (20 minutes)
4.0 Discussion and possible action regarding proposed changes to existing Administrative Bulletin, AB-014, Dimensional Tolerances for New and Existing Construction. The possible action would be to make a recommendation to the full Code Advisory Committee for their further action. (10 minutes)
5.0 General discussions regarding proposed changes to the Disabled Access Checklist for existing buildings, in conformance to the 2013 California Building Code. (20 minutes) (55 minutes)
6.0 Subcommittee Members’ and Staff’s identification of new agenda items, as well as current agenda items to be continued to another subcommittee regular meeting or special meeting. Subcommittee discussion and possible action regarding administrative issues related to building codes.
7.0 Public Comment: Public comment will be heard on items not on this agenda but within the jurisdiction of the Code Advisory Committee. Comment time is limited to 3 minutes per person or at the call of the Chair.
8.0 Adjournment.
Note to Committee Members: Please review the appropriate material and be prepared to discuss at the meeting. If you are unable to attend, please call Chair Tony Sanchez-Correa at (415) 333-8080 or Building Inspector Kirk Means at (415) 575-6832. The meeting will begin promptly.