ILRCSF - support, information, advocacy
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Tuesday, September 09, 2014
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Support for Families
1663 Mission Street, 7th floor,
San Francisco,

Description: This workshop  will discuss services that are available under the IHSS program, and rules about who is eligible to receive IHSS services.  The workshop will cover strategies to prepare for the County IHSS worker’s initial assessment or annual review, and how to do a self-assessment to determine how many hours you or your family members need. We will also explain the changes to the California budget affecting IHSS that will go into effect on January 1, 2015, including the new overtime rules and limitations on the number of hours an IHSS worker can work in a week.

RSVP: The event is FREE but registration is requested. FREE Childcare and interpretation services also available with pre-registration. To register please call 415.920.5040.